It is not often I get the chance to take our Milly Bags to the hospitals, however today I was lucky enough to be able to make the journey over to Liverpool, along with one of our trustee’s Helen.
As well as delivering Milly Bags to Ward 3B we were also meeting with the new Ward Manager – Matt, to introduce ourselves and Milly’s Smiles, as Matt is quite new in post.
Louise from Housekeeping who does an amazing job with our Milly Bags came down to greet us and collect all the bags, we were then joined by Matt who kindly agreed to pose for a quick photo for us!
A lot of organsising goes into making these deliveries. Before our Milly Bags arrive on the ward, we have to ensure we have enough stock to pack the bags, we then need the bag packers to help with the packing. The bags are then quality checked and secured with a security seal. A signing sheet is produced for the ward to ensure each bag is accounted for. Then delivery is arranged with the Ward and also with our delivery drivers.
The Milly van will get loaded up for delivery in readiness for the designated drivers to make the journey over to the required hospital.
Once we arrive at the hospital the Milly Bags are then handed over to the ward staff who therein take full responsiblity for them being given out to every new family arriving for the first time on the ward.
Our Milly Bags ensure that in the North West of England, no families facing a childhood cancer diagnosis feels alone. Our Bags say that we understand what you are going through, we have been where you are and we are sending love and strength to every single one of you.
Milly’s Smiles provide so much more than a bag, and we are fiercely proud to be able to make a difference every single day.