
Alder Hey receive first delivery of 2022

After returning from holiday in Spain our delivery team found themselves in the Milly’s Smiles van on their way to Alder Hey Childrens Hospital!

20 Milly Bags were then safely handed over to staff from Ward 3B all ready to be given to new admissions arriving on the ward over the coming weeks.

We send our love to all the families who will receive one of our Milly Bags, we feel privileged to be able help in just a small way, we recognise that this would not be possible without the wonderful support we receive from so many people.

Following our delivery we received a lovely message from a family who had recently received one of our Milly Bags:

“Just to say thank you so much for the bag which we received on admission to Alder Hey with our 16 year old daughter Grace on New Years Eve. The contents were so practical and the bag itself has come in really handy as we accumulated so much stuff since we were admitted (we have just landed back on the Isle of Man today for a few days and checked it in absolutely full up!). It has all been very well used and we really appreciate it. I am so sorry that the outcome for Milly was not as you would have wished. It is lovely that you have set up the charity in her memory so that her smile lives on. Sending many thanks and our love to your family. Angela xx”.

Thank you for helping us to make a difference every day.

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