On the 30th May 2017, Jayne, Stuart and their daughter Jessica were sent by ambulance to the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital after an appointment with their local doctor. They arrived at Manchester just with the clothes they were wearing, but straight away they were given a Milly Bag, which helped their daughter Jessica greatly. She cuddled the hand knitted elephant and cuddled under her blanket. Without some of the basic items in the bags, items which most people take for granted, their initial few days would have been even more unbearable. Jayne says ‘we can never replay Milly’s Smiles for their generosity, but we can make a really good effort. To do this we have signed up to clime The Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach on the 18th May at 6pm. Some people are simply doing this for the fun of it (crazy people) but we are doing it to support one of the most generous charities we know of. Unfortunately Milly’s Smiles is a charity that will always be needed as new patients will continue to be admitted onto Ward 84. Knowing we will be helping Milly’s Smiles to provide their ongoing help to newly diagnosed families will make every metre climbed worth it.’
Jayne and Stuart were amazing and successfully climbed to the top of the Big One, supported by their beautiful daughter Jessica who is doing really well with treatment, and family and friends . We were also honoured to be there to, and are so grateful for their kindness in supporting our charity. Huge respect to you guys and massive well done on a great achievement.