Today, over 180 people turned up to celebrate Milly’s 13th Birthday and our second annual ‘Walk 5 Miles for Milly’s Smiles’ walk. People travelled from near and far and we were also lucky to have several families join us from Ward 84. The weather was kind to us, we had sunshine, a little bit of rain, and that meant we also got a rainbow! After the walk everyone met back at The Plough, where we had pies generously donated by Hollands Pies, cheese & onion pie which was kindly made by Colleen Magill and hot potatoe pie made by Linda. We also had some amazing cupcakes made by some very generous bakers and they proved a great success. It was a great day, everyone was in good spirits and all there to help celebrate Milly’s birthday and to raise money for Milly’s charity. We are now in the process of collecting in the money and as soon as we have the final total we will let you know.