
Milly’s Smiles at Christmas Time

Christmas for oncology families is very different, whilst we try to make it as wonderful as we can for our children, there is always the thought that this could possibly be their last Christmas.  With that in mind we try and create the very best Christmas we possibly can.  My last Christmas with Milly was spent on Ward 84, she was recovering from 3 days of chemotherapy, of being sick, running to the bathroom and sometimes being too weak to even lift her head from the pillow.  Christmas Eve Milly started feeling better, the ward was buzzing with excitement and there was a rumour that Santa would be visiting at midnight.  The ward had already been decorated by Milly and her friends, however we were missing a Christmas Tree, so fully aided and abetted with the nurses we decided to sneak onto day case after they closed and ‘borrow’ their Christmas tree!  It looked amazing at the bottom of the bay and made such a difference, Santa had somewhere to leave his presents now.  Milly and I stayed awake and our efforts did not go unrewarded, Santa arrived on a mobility scooter, and along with all the gifts he also brought a huge smile to Milly’s face.  And that is what is so important, its not the gifts around the tree, its the time spent together, the fun, the laughter, the smiles and most important the love.  Love is everything.

This year we wanted to share Milly’s love of Christmas with the our families on the wards, as always to let them know we are thinking about them.  We sent Christmas Cards designed by Milly along with Christmas Baubles to Ward 84, The Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, and Ronald McDonald House at Manchester.  We also made the delivery to to Ward 3B at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.

It always remains a privilege to be able to do what we do, we feel very lucky and blessed to make a difference every single day to children and their families.

From all of us at Milly’s Smiles, we wish you a Christmas filled with sweet memories, love, laughter and good health.




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