After one for their pupils received a Welcome Bag from Milly’s Smiles, Poulton St Chad’s have been extremely pro-active in fundraising for us. Today we were asked to return to the school, this time to meet the After School Club team who had been busy, not only raising money for us, but also collecting shower gels, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes to go into our bags. We were honoured to return to the school, the pupils and staff always make us feel extremely welcome and it is lovely to be able to say thank you to all the pupils and staff who are supporting us in such a great way. We were presented with a cheque for £500, which was from the proceeds of cakes sales, and we received 3 huge boxes of toiletries for our bags. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us and donated – it means so much to the charity and the families whom we are supporting.