Zakariyya Imran Badat

After being admitted onto Ward 84 in September 2019, when my son Zakariyya was diagnosed with leukaemia, I have been fundraising for RMCH Ward 84 and associated charities like Milly’s Smiles.

Our Milly Bag made me smile on my darkest day when my son was diagnosed. Zakariyya was blue lighted to RMCH and we were admitted to ward 84 where we spent the next 6 months, mainly as an in-patient. We were blue lighted with the clothes we were wearing and nothing else, not knowing that what came next would change our lives forever.

It is more than just a bag – reading the personal battles that Milly and others had gone through brought tears to my eyes, as our son was going through the initial stages of treatment.

The bag was just what we needed when our world fell apart – it represented love, care and fellow families that had been through this battle before.

The bag is just amazing, you took some stress off us parents and our children too! My son loves his Milly’s smiles blanket!

Please keep doing what you’re doing, you really are making a huge difference when we are entered into the unknown with nothing but the clothes on our backs.

Milly’s blanket is never far from
Zakariyya and he loves his blanket.
Zakariyya will always remember Milly’s smiles and we will be forever grateful.

Sending lots of love to all the amazing team for supporting so many families🎗

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