A few months ago I received a call from Polly who is a Play Leader on the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, at The Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.
Polly was aware that we used to provide the unit with a Journal to chart the child’s progress throughout the transplant process. We did this for a trial period of a few months and then they fizzled out for various reasons.
Polly was keen to see if we would be willing to consider supplying the journals again, and we obviously said yes! Since the phone call from Polly, we have spent time revamping the original journals adding extra sections in and then arranging the printing.
Today we proudly took them over to the ward, and handed them over to Polly who was thrilled with them, and very excited to start handing them out.
Thank you to our delivery team for the day Graeme and new co-pilot Mandy!