August has been our busiest month for a long time, we have delivered to the Children’s Hospitals at Nottingham, Oxford, Manchester, Leeds and yesterday to Liverpool.
A total of 100 Milly Bags have left our unit this month, thankfully we have had some brilliant volunteers who have packed the bags for us, which has ensured we have been ready to make a delivery at a moments notice.
Yesterday, Graeme headed over to Alder Hey and was met by Pip, from the play team who helped him unload the bags, she then took them safely off to Ward 3B.
Normally we try and have 2 people on deliveries, however Graeme was on his own yesterday so only managed a couple of photos as he was juggling the weather, loading the bags into the cage and negotiating with the parking attendant!
A total of 430 Milly Bags have now been sent to Alder Hey, and we feel very privileged that we are able to offer this support to all families whose child has been newly diagnosed with cancer.
Thank you for all our fundraisers, supporters, bag packers and volunteers who continue to believe in Milly’s Smiles. We make a difference every single day.